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Thursday, July 6, 2017


There are many way to write a number. Basically we read and write any number in decimal number system but . In many places some other number systems are used. When we configure IP address in our computer, We need to understand it in binary. and when we need to know more about MAC address or IP v6 we need to know about hexadecimal number system.

Some number systems are-

Decimal Number system -(0123456789) In decimal number system total numbers are 10 . We write any number using these ten numbers.

Binary Number System - (01) There is only two numbers in binary number system. It's base is 2

Octal Number System - (01234567) There is eight numbers in octal number .

Hexadecimal Number System- (0123456789ABCDEF) In hexadecimal number ,there are 16 numbers.

 In banking exams number conversions are  asked.

Examples- Decimal to binary .

 Rule- 1-We divide given number by 2 until last number is 1 or 0 .
           2-Answer is written from bottom to top
           3-Last number will also be added to answer

1-  (255)= (         )                                                                                                                          2-  (4125)= (           )

Examples-  binary to Decimal

Rules- 1- Write the place value of all numbers
           2- Start from right side
           3 - First number will be 1
           4- In binary place values are- 1  2  4  8  16   32   64   128    256   512   1024
           5- Write all number's place value and add them at last , That will be answer.

1-   (1110010)= (  226   )

 2-   (101010101) = (341)

Decimal to hexadecimal-

(515)= (   203   )
(511)= (1FF)

 Hexadecimal to Decimal-

(203)=  (515)

(1FF)= (511)

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